


J-TICH seeks submissions about trauma-informed community health, nutrition, and physical activity. A trauma-informed approach recognizes that health and well-being are dependent on exposure to positive and adverse childhood and community experiences and their biopsychosocial effects. This approach centers on trust and relationship building, responsiveness to community voice, individual and community empowerment, and the socio-emotional dimensions of health. It also emphasizes collaborative, community-generated approaches to work on food, nourishment, nutrition security, and community flourishing.

Submission topics may include:

  • Addressing equity
  • Strategies that are individual, group-based, or at the community level
  • Comprehensive and multi-level approaches
  • Cross-sector partnerships and authentic community engagement in community health programs
  • Development and evaluation of
    • culturally-relevant nutrition and physical activity interventions
    • participant-centered approaches to community health programming
  • Innovative nutrition education for the prevention of diet-related chronic diseases, especially in communities with food insecurity
  • Empowerment of community leaders and non-funded partners
  • PSE (policy, systems, and environment) interventions
  • Staff and organizational training and capacity-building

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IMAGE: .jpg, .png

Note: Please make sure that images have Alt text. PDFs are not accepted due to accessibility issues.

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Priority submissions:

  • CFHL Forum Posters
    • When a poster is accepted to be presented at the CFHL forum, authors may also submit their poster to be published in the journal by completing and submitting an online form.
  • Original Research

Also accepting:

  • Poetry
    • Original poems related to nutrition security, nourishment, impactful SNAP-Ed interventions, and community engagement in these areas
  • Personal Narrative
  • Book Review
  • Success Stories: effective interventions, successful marketing campaigns, promising practices
  • Conference Proceedings

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There will be up to three regular issues and one special issue published annually.

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  1. Submissions to J-TICH undergo a preliminary internal screening process that carefully evaluates writing clarity, meaningfulness to our readership, impact on the literature, utilization of asset-based language, and a trauma-informed approach.  If it does not meet the requirements, it is returned to the corresponding author with revisions or comments on why it was refused. The author may make adjustments to the manuscript and re-submit.  If the submission meets the screening requirements, it is forwarded to 1-2 reviewers, with topical expertise, for blind reviews.

  2. J-TICH receives the completed reviews and will forward its decision about the manuscript to the corresponding author, along with recommendations/revisions if there are any. Decision options include:
    • Accept Submission
    • Revisions Required
    • Resubmit for Review
    • Resubmit Elsewhere
    • Decline Submission

  3. For resubmissions, the same J-TICH staff member and the same reviewers will handle this paper whenever possible. In situations where initial reviewers are unwilling or unable to review the revised paper, new reviewers will be invited. 

J-TICH employs a double-blind peer-reviewing process. This means that both the reviewer's and author's identities are concealed from each other. Authors are asked to blind the manuscript to hide their identity. This may mean blinding the Institutional Review Board name, excluding references identified in the manuscript as the authors’ work, and separating the title page containing the authors’ names from the manuscript. J-TICH does not edit reviewer comments or authors’ responses but expects all involved parties to use professional language.

If a manuscript is submitted by any of the Advisory Committee members or J-TICH staff, as corresponding, author, or co-author, they will not be involved in the review or decision-making process.

Complaints about a review or the review process should be directed to Kim Soroka, J-TICH Manager, at Ms. Soroka will respond with explanations when possible, and an ad hoc subcommittee of the J-TICH Advisory Board will consider formal complaints.